Monday, December 10, 2007

Dear BANG YOS!...-Pondok Indah- BUSway (as appeared in Friendster Blog, dating 4 September 2007)

(as appeared in Friendster Blog, dating 4 September 2007)

Dear BAng Yos aka Governor Sutiyoso,

I really don't know how you govern the city. I have no comment on how you settle your businesses. Most importantly, I don't know much about your points or your goals anymore.
But, when you've decided to build subway lane through Pondok Indah, I will have a voice in it, and a strong one that is...

and guess what, I am READY to fight against this plan.

I don't live in Pondok Indah, nor my family has the capacity to live like those in Pondok Indah. In fact, I am one of those who travel through Pondok Indah almost on my daily basis, to feed my family and to support the business of Jakarta (oh yes---i literally do).
I am among those who will sit in the car, hoping that the traffic will move faster, hoping that the word 'traffic" will never even exist on my daily life. I am one who still wonder why on earth the Pondok Indah residences choose to live in Pondok Indah (despite the fact that they can afford it and that they have provided many employments to the residences surround the area) when the streets are well jammed and packed. But, I have no pity on the state of their wealth or their activities.

But, let me tell you why I oppose it, and maybe you'll remember why many think that you're one of the best governors of Jakarta.

It's the trees----always the trees, sir. The busway plan will have to DEMOLISHED, DISINTEGRATE the actual and only "JALUR HIJAU" that still exist in the area. The " JALUR HIJAU" that stretches between the Intersection all the way to the Simprug Area - or maybe more---(if you don't know how long it is, i invite you to have a drive in the morning or evening when the street is at its most packed).

For who?
For those residences who CHOSE to live in the CIputat area??
For those, as i quoted you from the Jakarta Post 4/9/2007, "Those Opposing the busway idea must be the rich. But I will prioritize the intests of the majority over the minority of Pondok Indah" ?
For those you believe will benefit you---?

Guess what,
Pondok Indah is one of the areas that is still LESS JAMMED compared to the rest of other main roads--fatmaway, Prapanca, WArung Buncit---
who did you refer to as "the minority of POndok Indah"?????
are those in the Ciputat area? --are you saying they're not rich. Try to demolished some of the trees there if they don't fight you until the very last breath.
Ciputat area is not even your territory
I'm not against those who live in Ciputat----but aren't you giving a favor to those who, then again, CHOSE to live there, ONLY?
BESIDES, the majority everywhere (should you refer to those with no cars) are driving motorbikes anyway!! why don't you do something to urge the AUTHORITIES to deal with the traffic problems and the manner of how these motorbikes are driving?????---(fyi, these people are no longer RESPECTING the people walking on the pedestrians---have you even seen "ibu-ibu diserempet karena tidak mau minggir di trotoar?????????") - even a little child can see how cruel that is.
Oh hold on, i know why, because there's no profit come out from REGULATING these bikers huh?!

Have you ever heard anyone complain about how jammed the traffic at Pondok Indah is?
if yes, WHY NOT BUILD A HIGHWAY OVER IT then? or a MONO rail above it?

and what did you exactly meant by the rich?????---I am not rich---oops, wrong, you're right, i'm rich in every way that I can, even if that means, i still need to be stuck in the traffic and not flying over a helicopter instead. But, I AM AGAINTS YOUR PLAN TO BUILD SUBWAY sir---ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU"RE DEMOLISHING THE TREES.

What about them trees?, as I've also quoted from the Head of the city's Transportation agency Nurachman quoted from The Jakarta Post 4/9/2007 " We will not destroy the trees, we can REPLANT the trees anyway if we CUT them down"

My dear Bang Yos, anyone in just about anyone knows for real that the trees WILL NEVER be REPLANT-because THEY HAVE BEEN CUT. NO trees cut, can ever be replant ---I think i owe my Biology teacher on this for graciously teaching me the essence of natures.

Of course, In my problem-solving minds, i would suggest that you MOVE the trees, take them at their cores and move elsewhere.
But, you're not going to to do that aren't you? because for a simple reason, moving the trees is not part of the BUDGETING, and not to mention you're going to find an investor who's willing to fund the activity --(again?) BESIDES, you did ask your self----"mau dipindah kemana?"

For a fact, You've never even replace the trees cut in THAMRIN. Boy...the road are so wide now. Good. You've just replaced the life of 10 people from lung cancer and breathing problems, with the effort to bring better access to 10 more people to be in the city.

(sir, did i not remember you've pledged to reduce the number of outside visitors to the city?)

I really don't know what's your problem. But, I tell you my problem is. The city that i call everywhere as MY HOMETOWN, has been infected by a cancer called the "city's program to overcome the traffic".

I don't think you're trying to cure it.
I think you're trying to sell more "drugs", to the cancer problems, so people can believe that the "drugs" will cure the cancer----whereas it's just going to prolong the life of the cancer, so people can have a few more years to live.

Am i being too harsh, sir?
I don't think so. I don't talk much. But, I do this for the things I love.
Among those, would be the sake of my family, my future family, my friends, the people I adore, my city, and the trees who've kept me breathing.

not all of us can just move out to the mountainous area when the city got clogged. Not all of us afford the privillege of living abroad, should there be no more trees in this very own town--
and I'm sure, you'd understand as much as what I believe in order to protect the people that we love.


p.s: I can be reached at anytime you need me. at all times, i'd make sure i'm available for it. :)


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