Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Me and Coffee Bean -- just don't work out

There's this thing about the euphoria of going to coffee shop in the city, especially with the growing of coffee franchises and coffee shops around the country, such as Starbucks and Coffee Bean. Suddenly, people just want to drink coffee. Those who drink coffee daily, switch from getting a warm homemade (wife or maid coffee made) to a moment at a coffee joint. Those who don't drink coffee, start drinking, or nowadays, drink anything-else-but-coffee so they can spend time with the coffee drinker to have a moment at a coffee joint.

Suddenly, the expression of "let's have a coffee" or "let's chat at --(name of the coffee joint)" become a daily remark by, ranging from, businessmen/women, housewives-who need to get away from their daily 'house' life, to students - wanting to study at the joint or just simply to get a hold of the shop's free Wi-fi connection (that could work for non-students too).

Whatever it is, drinking coffee or meeting at the coffee shop, is the new trend of the current globalization era and also today's generation.

Don't even mention about how long coffee has been around in this country, or how coffee has become a necessity in life, to a certain lifestyle, instead of just to kill the droopy -drowsiness feeling away. From the hands of OB (Office Boy)--or 'ujang' --as it used to be called - to the hands of trained 'barista' or coffee brewers at joints located inside malls or other public places, coffee is the new 'it'. To discuss this issue, would create a new report of its own and could possibly create sparks and debates inside coffee lovers and nationalists around. Nationalists? yes, coffee beans which have also been produced domestically has becoming an export commodity to be processed abroad and imported back to the country where they grew them. Talking about fairness to local farmers and local villagers? that's another story.

But, my story today has nothing to do with the why and how these coffee trends becoming as they are now. I admit that I am a coffee drinker. As much as I like to limit my caffein intake, but I prefer to experience the ecstasy of drinking coffee rather than to smoke or becoming a druggist. As much as I would like to experience the coffee produced from the hand of maids or OB or anyone handling the coffee maker at home or at work, but, the 'extras' added to the coffee produced from the hands of the coffee brewer sometime give another value to my (coffee) drinking habit . It does taste better since it can have different type of sweets and flavor in it. I love sweets.
However good the coffee is, still, what bothers me the most about going to these joints are the fact that their service, (sorry) sucks! (then, I might be suck too for going there).

One thing for sure, Me and The Coffee Bean, just don't work out. No matter how I try to maintain good relationship, for some reason, The Coffee bean, just don't like me very well.

The reason why I am saying this is not because I don't like their coffee. But, as far as I can remember, every single visit to Coffee Bean has been a disaster--if I may exxagerate it. I always end up leaving the joint in disbelief and anger, still with my coffee bean coffee on my hand.

Some of the experiences I have had include, having the person behind the cashier looking upset (at something) that she/he took my order in a grouchy mood, then I have another cashier handling my order and asking me questions impatiently --that person must've thought that I was such an idiot not understanding why they don't have the 'ice' version of the 'hot' coffee -- another time, I've ordered hot coffee, they gave me ice coffee. Today, I ordered for ice coffee, they gave me hot coffee. I could definitely ask for the coffee to be replaced, but since I've waited for a minimum of 5 mins (for coffee to go--that's way too long), and I've been bypassed by other customers, so I said No. The funny thing too was, as I was very aware that my experience with Coffee Bean has never been good, so I asked the cashier 3 times that if they had the Ice coffee version of my order, in which the person replied, "sure, we have plenty". Yet, they gave me a hot coffee and sorry they didn't have an ICE Swiss Mocha Latte. Doh!

The only time I dared to suggest a meeting at Coffee Bean was when Wi-Fi was still rare and The Coffee Bean at Plaza Senayan was one of them. We needed the connection as we were in the middle of creating a report. I came with my senior, who was nearly 65 years old, and also my other seniors. We all agreed that we could order food at Coffee Bean.
Even that, almost a disaster. When my 65-year-old senior and some of us ordered the seemingly tasty sandwich on foccacia bread, the waiter (or somebody in apron-in case Coffee Bean doesn't really have waiters) delivered the food as if he didn't agree that we should order food at Coffee Bean. We were fine with that. I was slightly fine because I was busy doing other things, but just like others, we agreed that the guy was a bit out of line. Then,thinking that was just it, my senior, who needed help with the large bread, asked for the bread to be chopped in parts. To our astonishment, the same guy replied and said, "why don't you just cut it our own, sir" ---Indonesian "potong sendiri aja pak".

My seniors in such disbelief were still able to reply calmly and said, (Indonesian) "oh begitu ya, terima kasih". Whereas me, I was really ready to burst in anger. But, the only thing i said was, (Indonesian)"oh begitu mas, jadi tidak bisa membantu". And the guy just walked away.

I found that incident to be annoying and ironic at the same time. Considering that we paid almost 100.000/per person (for all coffees and foods combined) that night, the least we could get was some fine service - and of course some friendliness. Yes, as a customer, people might think that I was too slow, or too demanding, or you-name-it. But, hey, rule no.1, customer will always be customer. When you're serving, the least you can do is to...SMILE :) (which i rarely received).

Today, I did another trip to Coffee Bean. I swear to God, I was rather anxious. I was very aware that my relationship with Coffee Bean has never been good. And, Oh My God, it happened (again).

Sometimes, I wonder why on earth do I pay Rp.30k/cup of regular coffee and still walk away with disbelief and feeling upset from lousy service and the discontentment of seeing one.

Lesson learned. Coffee is coffee. Service is service. But when putting two together and they don't work out. Maybe it is time to admit that it is just not working out.